
Azazel S. Kasadya

Relgious and Political Rantings of an Agnostic



Does Earth’s Decaying Magnetic Field Prove Young Earth creationism?

The Earth’s magnetic field is rapidly decaying. Young earth creationists point out that the magnetic field was 40% stronger about a thousand years ago. Therefore, it would have been too strong to sustain life 20,000 years ago, so the earth must be younger than that. This theory was first introduced by Dr. Thomas Barnes who believed that Earth’s magnetic field decays at a rapid non-cyclic rate. Measuring of the strength of the magnetic field began in 1845, and since then, it has been decaying at a rate of 5% a century (Snelling 2012).

The magnetic field protects us from particles coming from the sun and directs them to the poles. In fact, this is what produces the Northern and Southern lights. If not for Earth’s magnetic field, life would cease to exist. Also, some animals that migrate rely on the magnetic field (Roach, 2004). The magnetic field extends into outer space, several thousands of kilometers above the earth.

The problem with the young earth creationists’ argument is that scientists have found that the magnetic field does geomagnetic reversals usuallyabout every few hundred thousand years and therefore it is self-sustaining. This is where the magnetic south and magnetic north are switched. For example, 800,000 years ago, a compass would have pointed South (Oregon State University, 2017). Evidence has been found on the sea floors to support this idea. Stripes of magnetism are alternating from north to south. These are referred to as “magnetic striping” (Magnetic Striping, 2014)

Creationists such as Dr. Russell Humphreys have argued that these reversals happened in rapid succession during and after the worldwide flood as described in the Bible. According to Humphreys, tectonic plates moving to the earth’s core would have caused the great flood in Genesis and this would cool the earth’s outer core. This cooling would cause magnetic field reversals over a short period of time. Humphreys believes that the magnetic field was growing in strength until the time of Christ and then it reversed (Humphreys, 1993).

However, that isn’t supported by what scientists have found, and much of the work of Barnes (and Humphreys work since it was based off Barnes) has been discredited. Barnes measured the strength of the magnetic field around 25 times. The model Barnes used was outdated, making his beliefs about the magnetic field invalid. Going by Gunst’s and McDonald’s data, Barnes didn’t use an appropriate measurement to measure the strength of Earth’s magnetic field (Mellem, 2005). He only looked at the dipole component of the magnetic field. The problem with this is that the magnetic field’s strength can remain the same, as the dipole field decays. The dipole field also seems to shift directions much more rapidly than the magnetic field which can be observed in rocks and ancient pottery (Matson 2017).

Then there is the dynamo theory which seems to be the most accepted theory regarding the magnetic field today. The earth’s core brings about the magnetic field. This is done by the hotter metals in the core rising while the cooler heavier metals settle on the core creating a convection current. The Coriolis effect is caused on the core due to the earth rotating on its axis. This causes the core to spin and cut through the previous magnetic field so a new one can be formed. Therefore, the magnetic field is a continued process that has lasted at least three billion years. (Rational Wiki, 2017)

In conclusion, the decaying magnetic field does not prove a young earth. The data used to prove a young earth by using the decaying magnetic field is outdated. Scientists have evidence that the magnetic field reverses every few hundred thousand years; therefore, the earth is probably about 4.5 billion years old as suggested.

Support for a Young Earth:

Support for an Old Earth:


Humphreys, D. R. The Earth’s Magnetic Field Is YoungActs & Facts. 22. 1993 (8).

“Magnetic Striping.” Prince William Network. Our Changing Continent. n.d. Web. 27 September, 2017.

Matson, Dave. “Young-earth ‘proof’ #11: Since the earth’s magnetic field is decaying at an exponential rate, its strength would have been unrealistically high 25,000 years ago. Thus, Earth is less than 25,000 years old. Retrieved 28 September 2017 from

Mellem, Kevin. The Erosion of Continents as a Creation Clock. 2005. Retrieved from

Oregon State University. “Earth’s magnetic field ‘simpler than we thought’.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 July 2017.

Rational Wiki – Retrieved on 29, September, 2017 from

Roach, John. The Earth’s Magnetic Field is Fading. National Geographic News. 2004, September 9th. Retrieved from

Snelling, Dr. Andrew A. – #5 Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field. Answers in Genesis. October 1st, 2012. Retrieved from

Does the Faint Sun Paradox Prove Young Earth Creationism?

The sun produces at least half of its energy from the conversation of hydrogen to helium within its core. This could sustain the sun for 10 billion years and scientists estimate that the sun is nearing its “half-life.” Due to these reactions in its core, the sun would change and become brighter over time. According to evolutionists, the earth contained life about 3.8 billion years ago. It is believed that the earth remained at close to the same temperature throughout time. This paradox says that the sun only was emitting 70% of its current intensity during the early history of earth. As a result, water would have been frozen and therefore life couldn’t have existed on an early earth. Since then, the sun has been getting hotter and hotter (Faulkner, 1980).. Young earth creationists use this as an argument to support their theory. Admittingly, the young earth creationism seems to solve this paradox as there would not have been time for the sun to have sun to have such a large shift in temperature. Geological records show that the earth throughout time had a relatively warm surface which seems to contradict the faint sun of that time. However, there is evidence that the young earth had liquid water as observed by Zircon Grains that are about 4.2 billion years old (Wilde et al., 2001). There is also biological evidence that there was life on earth about 3.465 billion years ago (Scholf, 2006)

One Hypothesis states that there could have been more greenhouse gases during this period of time. Carbon dioxide may have been in higher quantities at the time because there was no bacterial photosynthesis to change the carbon dioxide to oxygen, and also there was more volcanic activity to add to the amount of carbon dioxide. There may have been significant amounts of methane and carbonyl sulfide to increase the greenhouse effect. However, there has been information from ancient soils that seem to indicate that carbon dioxide levels weren’t that high during this period (Wikipedia 1, 2017).

Also, radio genetic heat which is caused by radioactive decay of isotopes such as uranium-235, uranium-238, and potassium-40, was probably higher at the time. This would have caused the crust to have higher temperatures which would lead to the earth having a greater amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Wikipedia 1, 2017).

Then there is the fact that the moon would have been much closer to earth back then and therefore there was more tidal heating taking place (Rathi 2016). Of course, one problem with this solution is that Mars also had liquid water back then. Mars doesn’t have any moons so how would it have had liquid water being that it was further away from the sun? It can be argued that since Mars had liquid water billions of years ago, why couldn’t earth also have liquid water in its early beginnings?

The young sun may have been much more violent with solar flares when it was young. The heat from these solar flares may have heated the atmosphere of the Earth. This could have caused Nitrogen molecules to split and combine with other molecules creating molecules such as Nitrous Oxide which would have a powerful greenhouse effect (Rathi, 2016).

Another hypothesis is that the cloud layers were much thinner billion years ago due to the lack of plants and algae (Therefore the chemicals given off by plants and algae that help form clouds weren’t being produced). The sun would have had a more direct path to the oceans and would still be able to heat them enough so they didn’t freeze. Even though the sun’s ray were weaker, they wouldn’t be reflected into space by the clouds (Neyman, 2010).

Some may refer to the Gaia Hypothesis which was formulated by a Chemist named James Lovelock. According to this hypothesis the earth is a complex system that is self-regulated and it continually seeks an environment to sustain life (Wikipedia 2). When it comes to the faint sun paradox this hypothesis basically says that the atmosphere would have maintained an environment to hold life even though the sun was weaker back then. This hypothesis has spiritual implications and is often criticized by scientists. However, it does seem to make some sense when it comes to the complexity of earth’s environment in relation to the faint sun paradox.

Support For Young Earth Creation:

Support for an Old Earth (Christian Site) (Christian Site)


Faulkner, D.R. (1980), The young faint Sun paradox and the age of the solar systemImpact (ICR) 300.

Neymand, Greg; (2010, April 5) Creation Science Rebuttals. Old Earth Ministries. Retrieved from

Rathi A, (2016, May 25). A New Theory is Close to Solving one of the greatest mysteries of how life began on earth. Retrieved from

Schopf, J. W. (2006), Fossil evidence for Archaean life, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B, 361, 869–885.

Wikipedia 1, (2017, September 10). Faint Young Sun Paradox. Retrieved from

Wikipedia 2, (2017, September 10). Gaia Hypothesis. Retrieved from

Wilde, S. A., J. W. Valley, W. H. Peck, and C. M. Graham (2001), Evidence from detrital zircons for the existence of continental crust and oceans on the Earth 4.4 Gyr ago, Nature, 409, 175–178

The Myth of Hell and Eternal Torture

Since I was young, I have always been interested in the spiritual. I was always hoping to catch a glimpse of a ghost and wondered if I was going to Heaven.

As a Baby, I was baptized as a Catholic, but never really took an interested in the church itself while growing up. I found it boring at the time. It was the only religion I was familiar with up until I was twelve when I first became involved with the Pentecostals.  I said a prayer and apparently, I was saved. I didn’t really stick with it then.

Again, at the age of 16, I got involved with the Pentecostals and even went to one of their camps. I witnessed for the first-time people fainting and uncontrollable laughter. I asked what was going on and was told that people were being “slain in the spirit.” I again said the salvation prayer but never got slain in the spirit like everyone else. At the time, it made me feel like I was not good enough for God. Again I left the church.

However, again I returned in my early twenties. It was during this period that I took my faith seriously and studied the Bible constantly. I wanted to go into ministry and travel. I wanted people to get saved and understand the Bible. I saw those who disagreed with me as being dangerous heretics. I would spend hours in debate tossing Scriptures back and forth. I disagreed with pastors on certain issues and was even kicked out of a church for not agreeing with their doctrines. Then chaos entered my life, and I removed myself from the church and studied on my own. A lingering question continued to haunt me which ended up being my first nudge out of Christianity.

What the Hell?

The question was, “Why would a merciful, loving God create mankind, and then send individuals to hell for not figuring out that Jesus is Lord and Savior within their lifetime?” I attempted to find solid answers for this but there was no good excuse for god to do this.

What kind of Parent would do this?

I had kids by this time and I believe I am a loving father. I may discipline my kids with grounding, but I still love them. There is nothing they could do to cause me to allow them to suffer through any kind of torment. If you are a parent, would you allow your children to be tormented for the rest of their life if you had the power to stop it? I think any loving parent would say “no.” You might be thinking, “but I believe in Universal salvation, or annihilation.” I have researched both and hope to get to that at some point. Right now, I want to focus on the idea of eternal torment since that seems to be the prominent belief in Christendom.

Evil Proposal

Imagine a man named Casey who wanted to married a girl named Lynn. One day, Casey comes to Lynn and asks her to marry him. He offers to give her everything: riches, a nice house, a position of power, children, and whatever else she wishes for. However, he then informs her that if she does not accept his proposal that he has a place for her reserved in his basement to torment her for the rest of her life. Can you honestly think Casey truly loved Lynn?  I doubt it!

Torture vs. Torment

Some will object and say that torture is different from torment. Torture is more related to physical pain while torment is more psychologically based. I have come across both beliefs when it comes to being in hell for eternity. There are several Christians out there that believe souls are going to be physically tortured for eternity with fire, with worms gnawing through their bodies, along with various other kinds of torture. Some believe actual demons do the torturing and that there is no escape from this hell.

To sum things up, many of these people believe that you must follow the proper formula for salvation or this kind of torture is awaiting you. One church may say that a person simply has to believe that Jesus is his Savior.  Others believe that water baptism is necessary. Some believe that if you continue in certain sins, even while believing that one will still enter into eternal torment. It varies depending on the church.

I must be choosing to go to hell

At the same time, these people believe that God is loving and merciful. I ask, what kind of God, who is all powerful, would allow for people to be stuck in this pit for eternity? You might say that people choose to go to hell. They are offered the choice to accept or reject Christ and by rejecting Christ, they will go to hell by their own choosing. However, the problem is much more complicated than choosing to go to hell. The problem is, the answers are not definite.

There is no proof that there is a hell for not worshiping God. It is based on belief. Imagine a man that only could communicate to his father by having other people intervene.  He receives letters that are claimed to be from his father, even though they were written by other people. He probably would have a hard time knowing his father and his plans. He may eventually even question whether his father is real or not being that the only evidence he has are from the letters.

It is similar with the Bible and believing in God. We are required to believe what man has written down in order to escape this place called hell. The Bible is confusing. I say this because there are several denominations out there that have different viewpoints of how salvation is obtained and interpretations of the Bible, but they all claim the Bible as their source of Authority.

Trust No Man (and I don’t mean Eowyn)

Psalms 118:8 says “[It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. “ The Bible itself tells us not to put our confidence in man. So how are we supposed to put our confidence in an ancient book that was written by men, translated by men, and so on? How are we supposed to know the Bible is the Word of God? We can’t know that. Even the personality of God in the Bible has many problems which I will write about later.

With that being said, unbelievers do not choose to go to hell. They simply do not believe in the existence of hell. Regardless whether hell is considered torture or torment, it is a very cruel punishment. Psychological torment can be quite difficult to deal with. Remember, the threat that is often given by the religious community is that one will be tortured or tormented for eternity.  What kind of God would allow for this kind of suffering? How is this justice? How is god just for allowing this sort of thing? I have not come across one good answer for this.

I feel that the belief in hell can be psychological damaging and is often used to control and manipulate people. If one truly believes in hell, how can they deal with the idea that many people they know and love will be going to hell for eternity. When I was a Christian, I was very tormented with this idea. I eventually found it impossible to love a god that was going to allow people that I love to be sent to hell forever.

Stop worrying! You are Safe

Be reassured. Hell is a myth created in order to frighten people into obedience. Be a good person because it is the right thing to do, not because you want to escape hell. I will probably edit this post several times as I remember more things I want to put so feel free to visit back often.

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